today : Sunday, 19 May 2024




= 21 November 2022 =

Selected Cartoonists Of the exhibition of drawings on Covid-19 / Brazil 2022





Selected Cartoonists

1- Ahmad Reza Sohrabi (country: Iran; work: corona and troy)

2- Aida Radbord (country: Iran; work: the world at home)

3- Aleksandar Lyubomirov Simov (country: Bulgaria; work: covid walk)

4- Alberto Teixeira Meneses (country: Brazil; work: heroes)

5- Arison Tavares da Silva (country: Brazil; work: capturing the monster)

6- Basireh Hasani Shariat Panahi (country: Iran; work: poor)

7- Bassam Alkhannaq (country: Iraq; work: run over covid)

8- Ciro D’Oriano (country: Italy; work: the good way)

9- Clayton Ramos Rabelo (country: Brazil; work: super heroes)

10- Derkaoui Abdellah (country: Morocco; work: derkaoui 2)

11- Fadi Abou Hassan (country: Norway; work: editorial cartoon coronica)

12- Gabriel López (country: Mexico; work: fake news)

13- Hossein Kazem (country: Iran; job: peaople)

14- Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek (country: Poland; work: cosmic corona virus and vengeful rat)

15- Jordan Pop Iliev (country: Macedonia; work: covid2)

16- José Ángel Téllez Villalón (country: Cuba; work: covid world)

17- Makmun (country: Indonesia; work: the warrior covid-19)

18- Marian Avramescu (country: Romania; work: covid-19)

19- Mona Mardani (country: Iran; work: fight against corona)

20- Popa Matumula (country: Tanzania; work: covid-19 & economy)

21- Santiago Cornejo (country: Argentina; work: anti-vaccine)

22- Sathyaraj B.S. (country: India; work: lockdown views)

23- Sergey Sokolov (country: Russia; work: death blows covid)

24- Victor Willian Canuto da Silva (country: Brazil; work: come back)

25- Yalda Hasheminezhad (country: Iran; work: untitled)


In addition to the 25 selected, three drawings received from Iranian children (with the permission of their parents and/or guardians) will be on display – with honorable mentions): Adrina Pighasemi, 9 years old; Alireza Radfarnia, 8 years old; and Nilya Sadat Mirrezaie, 9 years old





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