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= 19 October 2024 =

Weekly Single Page of Cartoonmag / No 22


NO:22 , Saturday, 19 October 2024 


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Abbas Naaseri / He loved his beloved so much that he was seeing nothing but her! His entire world was encompassed in her, nothing else mattered. In the house, on the street, in the mountains and plains, everywhere he looked was just her, and not anything else.

He saw such a vast universe within his beloved that we worried about potential potholes in the street in his way because, in his eyes, there was nothing but her. The possibility fall and perishing was ever-present. He saw his beloved as his whole world, like many others who perceive their city as the entire world, or those who believe their country represents a complete universe and refuse to acknowledge that beyond their city and country, many other cities and countries exist.

The anecdote I said,  mirrors the story of some announcing results announcement of certain festivals that flaunt the phrase "international" in their calls, yet when the results are announced, all the winners are from their own country! It seems that, through the lens of the organizers of these festivals, their country is the entire world, and "international" merely means their country.

We have seen these examples frequently: national festivals where all the awards go to artists from the organizing city, or international festivals where prizes are distributed in the host country.

The embarrassment and audacity in the face of these festivals become ashamed. If the financial turnover and artistic credibility of your festival are focused solely on your city, why call it "national" instead of "local"? And if you have designated the awards for the artists of your own country, why are labeling your festival "international" rather insteade of "national"?

Perhaps in the future, there will be a festival held at the galactic level, and once again, in their eyes, their country will represent the entire cosmos.

Dear festival organizers and secretaries... your beloved is the whole world for you, but for us, she is one of just eight billion people. So please, be mindful of the pothole in front of your leg...


This single page has been prepared to remind the news and calls published on the cartoonmagazine website and it is supposed to be published every Saturday.

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