today : Tuesday, 08 October 2024




=26 September 2024 =

International Cartoon Contest ASEAN & CHINA Relationship 2024  



The Stories of Friendship Between the people of ASEAN and China



-Single Panel Cartoon & Comic Strip Contest

-The maximum number of works is 3 (three) pieces

-Minimum size A4, maximum A3

-Coloured or Black and White

-JPG file

-300dpi resoluƟon

-It is exclusively for ciƟzens of Indonesian and ASEAN member countries, consisƟng Malaysia,Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia

-ParƟcipaƟon from other countries who interested about this also can be accepƩed, with aminimum age limit of 13 years and above

-Artwork must be an original personal creaƟon with non-controversial intellectual property rights. Content must be wholesome, have a clear theme, an original story idea, and a posiƟve message

-There must be no company logos, commercial adverts or any form of excessive publicity in the work

-Works must not contain elements that offend or have the potenƟal to cause conflict related to Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Intergroup (SARA)

-Works can be in the form of hand-drawn comics, digital comics, or other forms of graphic comics, which can consist of one-panel comics, four-panel comics, or illustrated stories

-ParƟcipants guarantee that every work they create is their own creaƟon, original, has never been published and/or entered into a compeƟƟon anywhere and is not the result of plagiarism, therefore parƟcipants are fully responsible for the authenƟcity of their creaƟve work and



TOTAL CASH PRIZES AMOUNTING TO: Rp. 82.500.000,- (Eighty Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Rupiah)


Cartoon Category 1 (one) panel


1st Place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp. 10,000,000,

2nd place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp. 5,000,000,-

3rd place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp. 2,500,000,-


1st to 10th Hope : Trophy + CerƟficate + Cash Rp. 1,000,000,-each

Total cash prize : Rp. 27.500.000,- (Twenty seven million five hundred thousand rupiah)


Comics Category

1st place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp 20.000.000

2nd place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp. 10,000,000,-

3rd place : Trophy + CerƟficate + Catalogue + Cash Rp. 5.000.000,-


1st to 10th Hope : Trophy + CerƟficate + Cash Rp. 2,000,000,-each

Total cash prize: Rp. 55.000.000,- (FiŌy five million rupiah)

Each parƟcipant gets an E-CerƟficate & E-Catalogue



16 November 2024


Address for sending artworks:

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Entry Form:Click Here





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