today : Wednesday, 24 April 2024




=22March 2020 =

III Cartoon Competition of Satirical Drawing «Dzhmelyk»/Ukraine



bumblebee, bee, wasp, bee products and others



-Competition is held in the following age categories:

Category I (from 7 to 11 years old);

Category II (12 to 17 years old)

Category III (17 years and older)


-Necessarily! For an electronic version the title of the file has to be next:

surname → space → country → space → work number


-A competitioner can submit no more than 3 works, on a sheet of paper from A4 to A3. For the


-electronic version: A4 format, RGB color concept, 300 dpi resolution, maximum file size up to 3 MB


-Each work ( original or copy ) must be described in reverse way as follows : surname , name and

address of the author , year of birth , telephone or electronic contact , optional work title . Also , with

-the drawings , the participant's Entry Form must be sent in printed or electronic form ( if the

work was sent by e - mail ) .



The winners of the Competition will be awarded with prizes and monetary rewards. Prize fund

of the Competition is 40 thousand hrn. The organizer may assign additional prizes in any



  20May 2020


Address for sending artworks:

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Entry Form:Click Here









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