today : Thursday, 25 April 2024




2nd international cartoons festival of tondela 2019









Environment and Sustainability



AlI children aged between 10 and 15 years old, residing in any country and enrolled in a school,may compete


only these competitors in this age group are  awarded a prize


competitors may submit cartoons indiviually or in teams, with text in English or Portuguese


Each Competitor,or team,can only participate with a (1) cartoon


The competitors are divided into two age groups, according to the ages, considered on the date marked as the deadline for receiving the cartoons


The echelons are ordered within the following limits

A- from 10 to 12 years old

B- from 13 to 15 years old


Each cartoon will have to be original, creative and can be in black and white or in color and in any technigue


The format of each cartoon should be A4


The cartoon must be signed by its author


The work done must be scanned and sent in JPG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi


For the purpose of participation, competitors must send together with the cartoon the registration form duly completed


Competitors must accompany the work of a biography and photo of the respective autheor(s)


Entries are only  considered valid after receipt of the competing work and  all reguested documents


The doubts can be clarified by the email

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The winner of each step will be awarded a pen tablet and diploma of participation



07March 2019


Address for sending artworks:

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 Source & For more information:Click Here




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