چهارشنبه, دی 26, 1403

92/04/25= = = = = = = = سیزدهمین مسابقه بین المللی “استقلال Kiev” – اکراین 2013


سیزدهمین مسابقه بین المللی “استقلال Kiev” – اکراین 2013



حرکت شوالیه

شطرنج سیاسی

توضیحات موضوع در فراخوان:

Political games have a lot in common with chess – one of the oldest and most popular games on the planet. Quite a few of the terms of this game become a part of our life and have come to designate events and situations that, at first glance, are not related to chess. One of these expressions is “The Knight’s move”.

All manners of intrigues to protect their economic interests, lobbying, promotion to higher positions, the manipulation of public opinion, unfair methods of election campaigns, backroom agreements, corruption schemes and other multipass combinations in political games

The winner is the one who will make “the knight’s move”, who will take into account all the possible actions of the opponent and choose a plan that leads this person to victory. Unfortunately, these combinations are not always legitimate and honest.

Our contest is about the game of political chess. The field of this game are our countries and continents, and the figures are all of us. What is a game? Who are the players? What are the rules and techniques of the game? What drives this game: ambitions, passion, greed or lust for victory? What is the result of this game and does it have the winners? …


مقررات :

-شرکت در این مسابقه برای همه کارتونیست ها آزاد است

-اصل اثر پذیرفته می شود

-تعداد آثار ارسالی نامحدود

-اندازه برای کاریکاتورهای که ارسال خواهد شد A4

-شرکت کنندگان باید نام، نام خانوادگی، آدرس، ایمیل، کشور، و شماره تلفن را پشت اثر قید کنند.

-ارسال فرم جشنواره ضروری میباشد

-کاتالوگ مسابقه به صاحبان آثار فرستاده خواهد شد


جـــــایزه :

1200 دلار


آخرین مهلت دریافت آثار:

29 شهریور 1392


نشانی ارسال پستی آثار :

Асоциация карикатуристов

А/я 185,





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